Towing Information
Quick Links:
To All Existing & Interested Tow Companies:
On this webpage you will find the Agreement, Application, Check List, Zone Maps/Descriptions, and Instructions for Unified Police Department’s (UPD) 2024-2025 Rotation Year. UPD will start accepting completed Tow Packets which must include the Agreement, Application and all documents on the Check List, at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, April 29, 2024, and are due no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, June 3, 2024. Please read all documentation carefully and note that there have been some changes made.
If we do not recieve all signed agreements and applications in person by June 3, 2024, your company will be denied.
2024-2025 Rotation
- Most Documents, photos and employee information can be added directly within the link provided under the “Towing Information” The Original Signed Agreement, BCI, UDOT Driver Certification, signed agreements, and completed company applications must be submitted in person to UPD. All documents must be approved before the company is placed on rotation.
- Email is our main method of communication, between UPD and Towing Companies. Towing Companies have the ability to do all correspondence (appeals, complaints, questions and responses) by Email ( or US mail.
- Sex Offender Registry – Shall not be a Registered Sex Offender in the state of Utah or any other state. You will need to notify the UPD Towing Coordinator within ten (10) business days, in writing, if at any time during the towing rotation year you are placed on that list.
- If a Company is sold during the Towing Rotation year, the owner is responsible for notifying UPD at the time of sale. The Company will then be terminated from the UPD rotation. The Agreement is non-transferable. The new owner will be able to apply for the following rotation year.
- Upon reactivation from suspension, if the date falls on a Saturday the company will be reactivated on the day prior, Friday. If the date falls on a Sunday the company will be reactivated on the following day, Monday.
 FBI Background Checks (Office Employees Only)
FBI Background checks are no longer required as part of the packet unless a situation arises. BCI and a valid UDOT Driver Certification are still required and will now be accepted up to Forty-Five (45) calendar days instead of (30) days prior to June 3, 2024 from date pulled by BCI or the UDOT Driver Certification. UPD reserves the right to request an FBI Background Check and/or Out of State Criminal Background Check at any time. If an FBI or Out of State criminal Background is requested, temporary approvals can be made by the Towing Coordinator and will be revoked if the subject’s record does not meet the criteria outlined in the Agreement.Â
Approval & Denial Letters
Approval and/or Denial Letters for yards, trucks, drivers and office staff will be sent to your company no later than Friday, June 28, 2024.Â
Driver Identification Cards
Companies will not be fully approved to participate in UPD’s Rotation until operators have obtained their 2024-2025 UPD identification card.
To obtain UPD Identification ID Cards for approved drivers, each driver will need to respond to UPD’s Technical Services Division and pay the $10.00 ID Card fee. Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm. Once the fee is paid and all previous badges are returned the Approval Letter and current ID cards will be available for pick up. If you have lost or misplaced your current badge, you must submit two (2) separate company letterheads, one signed by the owner and another signed by the operator, stating what happened to the badge.
Tow Truck Decals
Companies will not be approved to participate in UPD’s 2024-2025 Tow Rotation until approved decals have been picked up and signed.
Decals for approved Tow Trucks can be obtained in UPD’s Technical Services Division. Removal of previous years window decal is required. Any Company Employee may respond to obtain the decals and must bring the Approval Letter with them. Decals will not be mailed out.
For any questions, please contact UPD’s Towing Coordinators.
Jodi Smith or Brandon Clark
Nicki Dokos
Online Application
Downloadable Forms and Information
 2024-2025 Application Checklist
2024-2025 Company Agreement
2024-2025 Company Application
2024-2025 Consent for After Hours Release
2024-2025 BCI Criminal History Instructions
2024-2025 Zone Descriptions
2024-2025 Zone Maps
UDOT Tow Truck Operator Certification