Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake

Main Number 801.743.7000

Emergency 911 • Non-Emergency Dispatch 801.840.4000

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Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake

Main Number 801.743.7000

Emergency 911 • Non-Emergency Dispatch 801.840.4000

File a Police Report Online

Family Resources

Help for youth and their families

Countywide agencies who may provide help for youth and their families include:

  • Schools
  • Education/Awareness
  • Community
  • Individual/Families
  • Residential Treatment Providers
  • Employment Programs

Internet Resources

Statewide Warrant Search (http://publicsafety.utah.gov/bci/)
Salt Lake County Jail Inmate Search (http://www.slsheriff.org)




Utah State Office of Ed. Safe & Drug Free Schools

250 East 500 South
SLC, Utah 84111

Contact Person- Verne Larsen
E-mail: vlarsen@usoe.k12.ut.us

This office is responsible for the statewide school-based prevention program, which addresses substance use and violence prevention. The program is referred to as “Prevention Dimensions.” It is the foundation for which many schools build their specific prevention programs. Please contact if you would like more information on the curriculum, or would like to discuss areas/topic which you feel need more attention.

Murray School District

147 East 5065 South
Murray, Utah 84107

Website: www.mury.k12.ut.us

Contact Person- Star Orullian
(Safe & Drug Free School Coordinator)

Prevention Methods, curriculum & training for teachers & support staff. Target populations are grades K-12. Training areas include drugs, alcohol, tobacco & gang awareness. Mentors are in schools to work with at-risk students prone to gang involvement. These mentors track students’ grades, attendance and activities at school.

Colors of Success

3269 S. Main St. #270
SLC, Utah 84115
801-596-9081 Phone
801-596-9085 Fax

Contact Person- Nilsa Carter

Colors of Success is a school-based prevention and intervention program offered to youth and families who reside within the Salt Lake City and Ogden School District boundaries. The program incorporates the following types of services: individual case management, life skills groups, extra-curricular activities, home visits, parent nights, mentoring of academics, attendance and citizenship. Colors staff work with other programs to ensure youth and families needs are being met. Target population is K-12.

Granite School District

340 East 3545 South
SLC, Utah 84115

E-mail: sstevens@burgoyne.com

Contact Person- Shelley Stevens

Has a number of school-based programs which targets a wide variety of issues that students and families may be struggling with, the following is a list of programs offered: Anger Management Class (district wide, grades 2-12), Drug & Alcohol Prevention Specialists (grades 7-9), Peer Leadership/Action Teams (district wide, grades K-12), QUIT Program–for youth who have violated the district’s drug & alcohol policy–(district wide, grades 4-12).

Community of Caring (contact Chris Campbell-Gremler @ 801-268-8560 or E-mail chris.campbell-gremler@granite.k12.ut.us) addresses risk-taking behavior and encourages caring, respect, trust, responsibility and family (district wide, grades K-12), S.M.A.R.T. Program–an alternative education program with smaller classes within the junior high schools (contact Kerry Gallup or Paul Zuckerman @ 801-268-8560), and Rock Solid–a broad based approach to prevention/intervention that targets both the youth/families and communities, located within West Lake Jr, Brockbank Jr, and Kearns Jr; contact the main number for Student Service (801-268-8507) for contact name and number.




Highway Safety

Children and young adults are among the most vulnerable to road accidents. This guide breaks down the main points of child passenger and family safety on highways. It also directs parents and caregivers to ways toward minimizing the risks of road traffic injuries.

A Parents Guide to Family Highway Safety (https://www.safehome.org/data/family-highway-safety-guide/)

Salt Lake Peer Court

645 S. 200 E. #101
SLC, Utah 84111

E-mail: slpeercourt@xmission.com

Contact Person- Kathleen Zeitlin (Program Director)

An alternative approach to juvenile justice in which youth offenders are sentenced by a jury of their peers. Salt Lake City high school students volunteer to provide positive peer influence to hold youth accountable for their actions and to strengthen their ties to school and community. The program has three components: court hearings, ongoing peer mentoring, and peer mediation. Peer Court is held every Thursday evening during the school year, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Matheson Courthouse, 450 South State.

Midvale Youth Peer Court

655 West Center St.
Midvale, Utah 84047


Contact Person- Lori Silcox (Program Director)

Midvale Youth Peer Court is an early intervention, diversion program to Juvenile Court for non-violent youth offenders. The Midvale Youth Peer Court offers an opportunity to provide accountability for one’s actions and redirect the youth offender toward positive, lawful behavior. Our desire is that the youth offenders who appear before their peers in a courtroom setting will learn the necessary lesson and gain additional skills to assist them in their quest. There are three components to our program: court hearings, peer monitoring, and peer mediation.

Youth are currently referred to Midvale Youth Court through Jordan School District resource officers or through Midvale Police Department. Referrals may be made for youth who are: 18 years old (if not graduated from high school) or younger, have committed a minor or status offense, are admitting the charge, and are not currently under juvenile court jurisdiction. Peer Court hearings are held every Monday evening from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Midvale City Hall, 655 West Center Street, Midvale, Utah 84047.




Salt Lake City Police Dept. Community Action Teams

1040 W. 700 So.
SLC, Utah 84104

Contact- Community Support Division

Community Action Teams are a multi-disciplinary approach to solving community issues. The teams are comprised of agencies representing law enforcement, the Health Department, Zoning, Code Enforcement, Adult & Juvenile Probation, and City Prosecutors. Teams meet weekly to discuss a variety of issues in the community, and to create collaborative and comprehensive solutions to community based problems.

Salt Lake Community Action Program

764 South 200 West
SLC, Utah 84101

Website: www.slcap.org

Salt Lake Community Action Program has been a private non-profit Utah corporation for the past 35 years. The program attempts to meet the needs of the low income population, through the available programs: landlord/tenant mediation, six food pantries, winterization, employment referrals, health care programs, foreclosure counseling, Head Start, H.E.A.T., home maintenance, housing assistance for AIDS patients, FACES of the Pacific (which provides services to the Pacific Islander population) and other advocacy programs.

Neighborhood Action Coalition

College of Health, U of U
250 S. 1850 E., Rm 215
SLC, Utah 84112-0920


Contact Person- Mary Ann Tollestrup (Community Program Coordinator)

The Neighborhood Action Coalition (NAC) is a community-based program that offers resources & technical assistance to communities in the areas of training, evaluation, and program development; youth initiatives for the prevention of drug abuse, violence & gangs. NAC helps mobilize communities, assessing needs, encouraging volunteer participation & involving people in community solutions. NAC is currently working with the City of Taylorsville to promote safe, healthy neighborhoods throughout the city.

Allies for Youth & Families

2900 S. State St. #301
SLC, Utah 84115
Fax: 801-467-0328

E-mail: wlolo@sisna.com

Contact Person- Wilton Lolofie

This program is a multi-faceted agency committed to solving community issues. They service families with issues in prevention/intervention of delinquency, drugs, mental health, Tracking services and clinical therapy for youth and adults. An 8-week Life Skills program features life skills and vocational training for youth between 4-8pm, Monday thru Friday. Networking resources allow us to work closely with agencies such as law enforcement, juvenile court, Division of Youth Corrections & Child & Family Services. Administrative staff meet weekly to discuss a variety of issues that impact the program and community, and to create collaborative and comprehensive solutions to community based problems. A sub-division of the agency, Dream Charter School, provides innovative methods of learning for teens as an alternative to public education.




Salt Lake County Youth Services

177 W. Price Avenue
SLC, Utah 84115

Salt Lake County Youth Services can provide parents with a wide variety of services to deal with children who are acting inappropriately (violence, gangs, substance use, involvement in the criminal justice system), including counseling.

The Boys & Girls Club of South Valley

244 East Vine
Murray, UT 84157
Daycare: 801-284-4253
Walk-in: 801-284-4255
– or –
7631 Chapel Street
Midvale, UT


Both locations provide a wide variety of programs for children, youth and families. Programs include prevention and intervention, recreation, education and life skills, career development and child care. The goal of Boys & Girls Clubs is to provide a safe place to learn and grow, develop caring relationships with adult professionals, improve life-enhancing and character development experiences, encourage hope and opportunity, and promote positive youth, family and community development.

K.E.Y.S. Program Knowledge Enhances Your Success

Salt Lake County Youth Services
177 W. Price Avenue
SLC, Utah 84115

Contact Person- Diana Dearden

Targeting, but not limited to minorities, females and gang associations. This is an 8-12 week Salt Lake County Youth Services program, which includes individual and family counseling, school and home tracking, life skills classes and community service projects. Youth should be 8-18 years of age, first or second misdemeanor offenses and youth who are at-risk of continued criminal or gang involvement, with no current or pending criminal charges.

Odyssey House

344 East 100 South
SLC, Utah 84111
801-322-4257 Phone
801-322-2831 Fax

Contact Person- Valerie Fritz

MA, ICADC (Instructor) $10.00 for Parent Guide

This parent/teen skill building class is approximately eight (8) weeks long. The classes focus on parents who are experiencing problems relating to their teens, teens who are becoming involved in the criminal justice system, teens who are at risk due to truancy, poor school performance, or homelessness. Parents, teens and all pre-teens in the family are encouraged to attend. Classes are designed to help understand the goals of teen behavior and improve family communication. Classes are held at Taylorsville High School from 6:30-9:00 pm on Tuesday evenings.


Salt Lake City Police Dept. Youth & Family Specialist

327 East 200 South
SLC, Utah 84111

Contact Person- Community Support Division

The Youth and Family Specialists serve as one of the members of the Community Action Teams. They provide assessments for youth and families reported to be in need of services. Referrals are to appropriate agencies in the event that abuse or unsafe conditions exist. Staff is able to offer ongoing services and broker additional resources for families who continue to be in need.

3rd District Juvenile Court

450 S. State St.
SLC, Utah 84114-0431
E-mail: brucet@email.utcourts.gov

Contact Person- Bruce Thomas (Trial Court Executive) costs may be incurred

Juvenile Court Probation, Intake and Diversion officers are well trained in the resources and programs available to youth/families who are currently under the continuing jurisdiction of the court, or who may have criminal matters pending. If your youth has been referred to court, and you would like information on how the process works, or possible options please call and ask to speak with the “Officer of the Day.” If your child is already involved with the court and you have specific issues or concerns please call and ask to speak with their court worker. If you are the victim of a crime committed by a juvenile, and have questions or concerns please call and ask to speak with the assigned officer, this may required you to provide the name of the juvenile.

3rd District Juvenile Court

210 West 10000 South
Sandy, Utah 84070

E-mail: sylvesterd@email.utcourts.gov

Contact Person- Sylvester Daniels (South Region Chief) costs may be incurred

This is the 3rd District Juvenile Courts South Valley Courthouse. In addition there are a number of free standing field Probation Units and Intake Units throughout the valley. If you reside in the south end of the valley this location will be able to provide all services as the downtown office. The juvenile court runs a number of work crews for youth who have court ordered obligations.

Salt Lake County District Attorney Juvenile Division

231 E. 400 S. Basement
SLC, Utah 84111

Contact Person- Mike Christensen

The Salt Lake District Attorney’s Office is responsible for the criminal prosecution of juvenile and adult defendants. Investigative staff work on various types of cases including gang related homicide and home invasion robberies. They help to locate witnesses and secure testimony. In addition there is a victim’s advocate unit headed by Julie Holbrook, this unit works with victims of crime to assist them with issues relating to their victimization and potential testimony.

Salt Lake County Substance Abuse Assessment & Referral Unit

2001 S State St #S2300
SLC, Utah 84190

E-mail: bhardy@slco.org

Website: www.slcosubstanceabuse.org

Contact Person- Barbara Hardy (Director)

The network of Salt Lake County prevention providers offers a variety of services. This is a comprehensive network of prevention programs that targets individuals, families, and communities. An example of the wide range of services and programs include: child and youth prevention and treatment programs (substance use, criminal, violent & gang involvement), adult treatment programs (substance use), family counseling, tutoring, prevention services for older adults (55+), educational presentations and training, community awareness activities, peer programs, life skills, mentoring programs, recreational programs, foster grandparent programs, multi-cultural prevention services and other volunteer services.


Residential Treatment Providers


Valley Mental Health

3809 West 6200 South
Kearns, Utah 84118

E-mail: lauriej@vmh.com

Contact Person- Laurie Jones
(Girls A&D Unit Supervisor)
cost is approximately $227.00 per day

Residential substance abuse treatment program. This program has units for both boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 18, including pregnant teens. ARTEC is the only locked residential substance abuse treatment program in Utah. They work on a step-down program where youth are able work their way from the secure unit to a more community- based unit. The focus of the program is to reconnect youth back into the community once they have become substance free and are better able to face the pressures of daily life. Bed space is extremely limited.


Employment Programs


Youth Force

2001 S State St #S2100
SLC, Utah 84190
Contact Person- Rich Parks (Director)

Youth Force offers youth summer job opportunities. It is also known as Salt Lake’s Civilian Conservation Corps.

Work Opportunities for Women

Contact Person- Darlene Dixon

This program provides a self-sufficiency and job-readiness program for young mothers age 13-21.

Job Placement Mentoring Program


The JOB READY Program offers youth an opportunity to gain job-readiness skills, and places youth in jobs in fields in which they are interested.
