Records Request
Quick Links:
Request for Records
• Limited public access to all Unified Police Department Precincts
• For Emergencies call 911
• Non Emergency / Dispatch 801-840-4000
• Administration Line 801-743-7000
• GRAMA / Records – All requests for records (reports, good conduct letters etc.) must be requested via the following webform or by calling (385)468-9755 (Monday – Friday). Pick-up of records will be by appointment only at the Technical Services Division located in the Kearns Precinct (North entrance) 4250 West 5415 South, Kearns
•Link: GRAMA / Record Request
General Information
The Unified Police Department offers you the convenience of obtaining copies of incident and traffic reports by mail. The research and processing fee for this service is ten dollars ($10.00) for each incident or traffic report. Records requests are normally processed and mailed within ten (10) business days of request.
Complete the Request for Records form according to the directions given on the form. On the “description of records sought” line of the Request for Records form, indicate the type of record you are interested in, the case number, and as much of the information listed below as possible:
- Address of occurrence
- Date of occurrence
- Time of occurrence
- Name of person(s) involved
After you have completed the form, print it out but Do not sign or date it. The form must be signed and dated in the presence of a Notary Public.
Your request for records will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the UCA 63-3-201 – Government Records Access Management Act (GRAMA). In most cases, only the initial report will be provided to you by mail. For additional assistance please contact our office at 385.468.9755
Classification Of Unified Police Department Records
The classification of certain Unified Police Department records is shown below.
- Records with a primary classification of “Protected” normally remain “Protected” until the conclusion of all criminal court activity, including appeal periods.
- Initial Reports have a primary classification of “Public” and secondary classification of “Private, Protected, and Controlled”.
- Follow up Reports have a primary classification of “Protected” and a secondary classification of “Private, Protected, and Controlled”.
- Investigative: Photos, Video Tapes, Diagrams, and Audio Tapes have a primary classification of “Protected” and a secondary classification of “Private.”
- Traffic Accident: Follow up Reports, Witness Statements, Detailed Diagrams not on State Form, and Video Tapes have a primary classification of “Protected” and a secondary classification of “Private”. Photograph and video tape depicting victims have a primary classification of “Protected” and a secondary classification of “Private”.
Depending on the status of the case within the criminal justice system, these additional records may not be available to you.
Fees and Picking Up Records
Note, there are additional fees for these records and they must be picked up in person at the records window at precicnt locations. A photo ID is required to enter these buildings. Incomplete request forms, photocopied forms, and requests submitted without associated fee payment, will not be processed.
How to complete the form
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Download The Forms
Consent to Release Private Records
Fill out the application
Do not sign and date the request unless it is in the presence of a notary.
The notary must witness your signature and notarize the form before it is submitted.