Hiring Process
Quick Links:
Entry Level Police Officer
Minimum Qualifications
Must be 21 years of age
Must be a citizen of the United States
No Felony Convictions
No DUI Convictions in the past two (2) years
No illegal drug use in past four (4) years
No Marijuana use in the past one (1) years
High School Diploma or GED
Valid Utah driver’s license or ability to obtain a valid Utah driver’s license by time of hire
Passing NPOST score of 80% or better
Ability to pass a physical agility test as described below:
Vertical Jump (15 inches)
Sit-Ups (25 Reps-One Minute)
Push-Ups (16 repetitions with no time constraint and no rest during the test)
1.5 Mile Run (15:37)
Timeline (Dates subject to change depending on number of applicants)
Entry Level & LEO Certifiable Recruitment
- Application period (Continuous Recruitment)
- Physical Fitness Test: TBD
- Oral Interviews: TBD
- Publish Register: TBD
- Certified Register: TBD
- Conditional Offers / LESI / Background Investigations/ CVSA: TBD
- Background Interviews: TBD
- Sheriff’s Final Interview: TBD
- Hire Date: TBD
Testing Process
Application Evaluation
Each application will be evaluated for minimum eligibility requirements to include:
- US Citizen
- 21 years of age
- High school graduate or equivalent
- Valid Utah Driver’s License
- No disqualifying criminal history or drug use
Physical Fitness exam (No Waivers) (Entry Level Police Officer Applicants Only)
- Vertical jump (15 inches)
- Pushups (16 Reps – Maximum repetitions with no time constraint and no rest period)
- Sit ups (25 Reps – One minute)
- 1.5 mile run (15.37)
Oral Interviews
Applicants will be asked to respond to a series of scenario and behavioral questions designed to assess their ability to be successful in their position.
As openings become available, applicants, based on final ranking, will be invited to the remainder of the hiring process which includes a thorough and extensive background investigation. The investigation includes, but is not limited to, past work history, a criminal history check, a credit history check, and a polygraph examination (Non-Lateral Candidates only).
National Peace Officer Selection Test (NPOST)
General Information
In January 1997, the POST Council directed the POST staff to develop a process that would assure that individuals entering Law Enforcement have adequate reading, writing, and mathematical skills. Therefore, upon the direction of POST Council, and effective January 1997, anyone applying for the academy must pass an entrance exam.
Out of State Canidates must come to Utah to take the N.P.O.S.T. at one of the test sites and turn in their scores, as well. The Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake does not offer this test. The N.P.O.S.T. consists of four timed sections: math, reading comprehension, grammar and incident report writing.
The math component consists of 20 questions, which are to be completed in 20 minutes. This section does not have any scientific math questions (algebraic or geometry); the questions consist of general math and financial math equations.
The reading comprehension section consists of 25 questions, which are to be completed in 25 minutes. This section requires the candidate to read a series of short essays and then choose the best answer(s) based on the information contained in the short essays.
The grammar section consists of 20 questions, which are to be completed in 15 minutes. This section requires the candidate read several sentences and paragraphs, all of which contain misspelled words and improper punctuation. The candidate is required to identify the misspelled words and improper punctuation.
The incident report writing section consists of 10 questions, which are to be completed in 15 minutes. The candidates are tested on their ability to write a clear and concise report based on facts they are given. Grammar and punctuation are tested in this section as well.
Since the N.P.O.S.T. is not administered all day, every day, all candidates are urged to call the testing center they will be taking the test at, in advance, to verify the dates and times the test will be administered.
Where can I take the Utah National Peace Officer Selection Test (Utah N.P.O.S.T.)?
The entrance exam is administered by the agencies listed below. Scoring is provided through Standard & Associates, Inc., in order to maintain the integrity of the exam and allow POST a means to verify the completion of the testing requirement.
The exam may be taken at any of the following testing sites. A fee may be assessed and government or state picture identification is necessary. (Photo ID) Below are the approved testing sites:
Wendy Glover
1301 North 600 West Logan, UT 84321
Phone: (435) 750-3188
Fax: (435) 750-3046
Testing: April – October -Contact Wendy for specific dates and an appointment for testing.
Cathrin Alei
451 East 400 North Price, UT 84501
Phone: (435) 613-5325
Shirley Clark
639 West 100 South Blanding, UT 84511
Phone: (435) 678-8171
Julie Wood, Assessment Technician
Marie Sherwood, Assessment Clerk
550 East 300 South Kaysville, UT 84037
Phone: (801) 593-2361 or (801) 593-2336
Testing: Monday 7:45 to 2:30, Tuesday 7:45 to 4:30 & Thursday 7:45 to 11:30
On a walk-in basis during testing hours.
Fee $30 Requires Picture I.D. is REQUIRED
Shannon Pulley
North Plaza Building, 1000 E. 100 S., St. George, UT (East entrance)
Phone: (435) 652-7667
Fax: (435) 656-4016
Testing: Please call for an appointment. Cost: $50
For testing center closed dates please go to- dixie.edu/testing
Rosie Summerhays
1575 South State Street, Room 2-153, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
Phone: (801) 957-3257 (automated line)
Phone (801) 957-3267 (testing center)
Fax: (801) 997-3332
Testing: Every Tuesday and Wednesday (except Federal/State holidays or college closures) starting at 5:45pm.
Fee: $30. Must have current government-issued photo ID. For more information, please visit us atwww.slcc.edu/sat/testing-services/post.aspx ** Please pay on the first floor at the ID Center or Info Center, then come up to the 2nd floor to room 2-153 to test before 5:40 p.m. on scheduled days **
9750 South 300 West, MFEC Room#238, Sandy, UT 84070
Proctor Station (801) 957-5221
Testing: 24 hours in-advance scheduling. Monday – Friday 7:00am – 1:30pm & first Saturday of the month 8:00am – 12:00pm.
Please pay at cashiering office at the Miller Conference Center prior to testing.
Tony Salso, Testing Coordinator
Phone: (435) 865-8113
351 West University Blvd., ELC110, Cedar City, UT 84720
POST testing is administered on the 4th Tuesday of the month, except for holidays. Other testing times can be arranged.
Please email for a testing appointment- salsoa@suu.edu
Wayne Embelton
1100 E Lagoon Street (124-5) Roosevelt, UT 84066
Phone: (435) 722-4523
Fax: (435) 722-5804
Testing: Contact testing center for appointment.
Open every day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday.
Phone: (801) 863-8269
Fax: (801) 764-7076
Call for appointment to test.
1112 University Circle Ogden, UT 84408-1112
Phone: (801) 626-6803
Fax: (801) 626-7812
Testing: Wednesdays at 2:00 & 6:00 Call for specific information.
Since the Utah N.P.O.S.T. is not administered each day, candidates are urged to call the testing center they would like to take the test at, in advance, to schedule a test date and time.
The Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake does not offer the Utah N.P.O.S.T.
Is there a study guide available for the Utah N.P.O.S.T.?
Yes. A study guide for the Utah N.P.O.S.T. is available for purchase.
How and when will I receive my NPOST results?
Each testing center has to send each National Police Officer Selection Test by mail to Stanards and Associates, Inc. (NPOST creator) for scoring. The incident report writing section of the test is scored by hand. Stanard and Associates, Inc. scores the test. Once scored the testing facility is contacted with the results at which time they will mail or email you a copy. Each testing facility may have a standard process on how they distribute test results. It may take approximately 4 weeks to receive your test results.
Can my NPOST results be expedited to meet your application deadline?
It all depends on when your testing facility receives the results. Generally, it takes three (3) weeks to receive your results. You are encouraged to contact your testing center directly to determine the status of when you should anticipate your results.
Can I retake the Utah NPOST if I do not pass or would like to try for a better score?
Yes. There are there alternate versions of the NPOST test: A, B, and C. You may not retake the same version of the test until sixty days have lapsed. In addition, you may only test twice on the same version within a 12-month period. If you wish to retest sooner, you are eligible to take one of the two remaining versions of the exam (Example: You attempt and fail exam A, you can attempt to pass exams B or C within the sixty-day timeframe). You may retest at any time after your original test on an alternate version. Please note that the same retest guidelines apply to each version of the examination – sixty days before retesting on the same version and only twice per calendar year on the same version.
If I retake the exam and get a lower score which scores may I use?
You may submit your results with your best score. We do not need to use your most recent score.
I am an out-of-state candidate do I need to come to Utah to take the NPOST?
Yes. Unfortunately, we do not allow this exam to be proctored or administered in another state.
I am an out-of-state candidate and have current or prior law enforcement experience. Am I required to take the NPOST?
No. Lateral candidates from out of state do not have to take or provide the NPOST test results, as long as they qualify as a Lateral Police Officer with 1 year of full time experience as a police officer.
I noticed how you mentioned the NPOST results never expire. Where can I get a copy of my results if I no longer have them on file?
You may contact the testing facility where you originally completed the exam to see if they may assist you. Should they not have them on file you may contact Stanard and Associates, Inc. at (800) 367-6919.
Testing Process Weights
A purple heart recipient and/or a disabled veteran with any percentage of disability or the spouse of said person. (Up to 10 points) d. No discipline within the previous year
Testing Process Weights Weight (based on 100 points possible)
1. Physical Assessment Test (Waived for LEO Certified) Pass/Fail
2. NPOST Test Scores (Must pass with 80% or higher to qualify) 50%
3. Oral Interviews 50%
4. Veteran’s Preference (Maximum of 10 points possible)
   a. Must have served on active duty in the armed forces for more than 180 consecutive days;   OR was a member of a reserve component who served or is currently serving and/or has been separated under honorable conditions. Or the spouse of said person. (Up to 5 points)
   b. A retired member of the armed forces. Or the spouse, unmarried widow or widower of said person. (Up to 5 points)
5. Education Preference (Maximum of 5 points possible)
   a. Bachelor’s Degree (Up to 5 points)
   b. Associate’s Degree (Up to 2.5 points)
   c. LEO Certification (Up to 5 points)
6. Office of the Sheriff Preference (Maximum of 5 points possible)
   a. Any candidate that is currently employed full time by the office of the sheriff, and completed their probationary period, will receive 5 points.
   b. Any candidate that is currently employed part time or in a volunteer status will receive 2.5 points.
7. UPD Youth Cadet Preference (Maximum of 2.5 points possible)
   a. Currently enrolled or graduated from the program with at least 1 year of service
   b. 80% attendance to weekly meetings
   c. 35 hours of participation in special events
**A minimum score of 70% is required to make the final roster**
**The register may remain valid for up to two years, per POMC policy 2150**
**The maximum combined preference points are 5 or 10 if disabled veteran, per POMC 2130**