About UPD: Training & Policy
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Chief of Police Jason Mazuran
“As an organization, we strive to always be transparent and accountable to the citizens that we serve. This includes a constant review of policies and updating of training to meet best practices and address the specific needs of the communities we serve.”
The Unified Police Department (UPD), under the guidance of Chief Mazuran and Board of Directors, is constantly reviewing and updating policies and training to ensure officers are utilizing best practices and are equipped to serve our communities. We will continue to engage our community leaders as we explore opportunities for improvement.
List of Training Topics for UPD
Officers are trained to use the least amount of force necessary to achieve a peaceful outcome. Continued de-escalation training, provided to all officers, helps reinforce this. De-escalation tactics have been incorporated into our defensive tactics and firearms trainings which engage officers in scenarios that allow them to utilize de-escalation tactics. To give officers additional tools, UPD provides cultural sensitivity training, including LGBTQ sensitivity training.
Annually, UPD officers receive training on these topics:
- Sexual Harassment
- Hazmat
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Use of Force & De-escalation Options
- Legal Updates
- Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) Certification (bi-annually)
- Emergency Vehicle Operations (every three years)
Body-Worn Cameras
In 2017, the Unified Police Department (UPD) received a grant to purchase cameras and video storage for half of our patrol officers. Upon expiration of the grant in 2019, the UPD Board of Directors allocated funds to continue the program. Both state statute (77-7a-104) and UPD policies direct the mandatory activation and use of a body camera. Officers are required to activate their body cameras upon arriving at any call for service or on pro-active law enforcement encounter such as traffic stops and pedestrian stops. Failure to activate a body camera is a disciplinary offense.